We'd love you to pray that our songs (and God's word!) will sink deep into the hearts of all who listen to our music.

And it would be a delight to form a gospel partnership with you!  There are two main ways donating to our ministry would be an investment in the kingdom of God:

  1. Producing new songs.
  2. Producing additional teaching resources to accompany our existing songs.

Producing an album like Taste the New Testament is quite expensive, so your support would enable us to do more albums sooner!  We've already got Taste the Old Testament, Taste the Gospels and Taste Theology in the pipeline 🙂

Donations are not tax-deductible.

Or by EFT into our bank account:

Bank: ANZ

BSB: 013-017

Account Number: 651792742

Account name: Noble Bereans

Reference: “Donation your name"